CLEANTECH & SOCIAL ENTERPRISE > Strategic Partnerships

In both the clean technology and social enterprise spaces, partnering can be the difference between a business that gains momentum quickly or one that stalls, even with a product or service that is customer-ready.
Partners may provide financing, distribution, credibility and infrastructure in the short term, equity in the medium term and even be a suitor in the long-term. They may be seeking the innovation or even the products your company possesses, leading to either improvements for their mature business models or entirely new product portfolios to bring to market.
Great partnerships also arise at the nexus of clean technology and social enterprise, when the technology at hand helps to resolve an underserved social need through market means in both developed and developing markets.
We can help you to envision how alliances can speed the execution of your business road map, research suitable partner targets and develop a pragmatic plan to close the deal.
To find out more about how we can assist you in envisioning and enacting partner strategy,  please contact us.
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